Clifton Strength of the Month: Adaptability

Exploring the Clifton Strength: Adaptability

The genius of people with Adaptability lies in the way they respond to chaos: They quickly change and react to circumstance that would frighten or intimidate others. 

Mature Adaptability:
Intense, real-time awareness helps respond with immediacy
Early adapter
Energized by the now
Supporting the initiative

Raw Adaptability:
Attention span may be short
Blinded by the now
Lacking initiative

What I See as a Coach

One of the most common statements I hear people say who have high Adaptability is, “I love having to put out fires”.

Obviously, most of my clients are not actual firefighters, so these are metaphorical fires, but the sentiment remains the same. They like coming to work and not knowing what the day will hold for them. They like responding, adapting, and being flexible to what the day brings.

People with high Adaptability can still make plans (and depending on their other themes, they may thrive when making plans), but their Adaptability talent enables them to respond willingly to the demands of the moment.

High Adaptability is often an incredibly valuable addition to any team. When balls are dropped (which happens to even the most organized teams), this person will adjust and make the most out of the situation.

If you have high Adaptability, be sure to find a job that allows for responding to changing circumstances because being stuck in a job that is too structured or predictable might feel soul crushing.

If you manage someone with high Adaptability, don’t let their spontaneity frustrate you. Instead, start to realize the power in seizing the moment and lean into this person when decisions need to be made quickly or plans need adjusted in the moment. Remember, folks with high Adaptability might get bored or be uninspired with traditional goal-setting, they are people who think in the moment and typically are more excited with small, daily initiatives.

Do you have high Adaptability? What did I say above that really resonated with you and what made you feel, like, “meh”? Comment below!